Consistency is Key

Whew, it has been a MINUTE (okay a whole year and change) since I've posted on this site. I'd like to blame moving across the world, but that happened six months ago and I other excuse other than inertia.

Moving on. 

Ironically, the first post I thought about doing to get back into it was one on consistency.

I really believe that consistency is the limiting factor in meeting most goals in life.

But, we're here to talk about health and fitness.  

My own inconsistent ability to keep up a blog site aside, I am usually pretty consistent with my workouts and eating habits. Sure, life gets in the way sometimes. Just this week, I had just reached my third week of a new workout program when I got hit with a major sinus infection. I could barely eat, let alone work out. All I kept thinking was There goes two weeks of hard work. ​​​​It's frustrating, but I'm on the mend and I know I'll be back in the gym next week.  

Unfortunately, I've seen so many who give up on their healthy habits for months or years at a time after a setback. 

And why is that?

Admittedly, often it's things that I have been blessed not to deal with much - major illness, family or financial issues. I know that I am privileged that I have a nice gym both at work and at home and I live a pretty stress-free existence. 

However, I had this conversation with my husband just a few days ago, in the context of spirituality. We are Christians now living in a Muslim country, and we've often bemoaned the fact that it's just not as EASY to practice our faith here as it was when we were in Canada or the US.  

But what does that say about us?

Are we only faithful when it's easy?

I know that spirituality is a practice as much as anything. I can't just do it when I feel like it or when it's easy.  

Health is the same. It's a practice, and consistency is key. You may get derailed sometimes, and things out of your control get in the way. But true change will not come without the consistency.  

I hesitate to put my own lifestyle onto others, but then again you are reading a site about fitness. If you are serious about this aspect of life, then you will make it a priority and be consistent about it. 

Personally, I think that health touches on everything you do in life, and improving your health will only make things better.

It's not going to be a straight path, but you do need to keep going. 

Articles to consider:

Using Behavioral Science to Build an Exercise Habit

Why Consistency is the Single Most Important Thing to Reaching your Fitness Goals

Consistency: The Key to Progress In your Fitness Program